The key focus of what we do at HFU is to provide high-quality education to more than 1,000 students each year. Many students and their families are unable to pay the full tuition fee, but thanks to the generous donations of our benefactors, students can attend school without financial concern.
As an increasingly well-regarded center of education, AFSS has grown quickly over the years. As a result, there is now a need for a new building to house the school’s administration. HFU has already made excellent progress on this goal, and, with your support, we are hopeful that we can secure the final funding needed to begin work on this important capital improvement for AFSS.
With updated Wi-Fi infrastructure now in place at AFSS, we are excited to move on to the next phase of the school’s technology upgrade plan. This second phase will include the procurement of additional computers at AFSS, as well as the implementation of an improved security system for the campus.
Over the years, the female student population at AFSS has grown remarkably. While this growth is a great joy, it also means that the number of girls at AFSS now far exceeds the intended capacity of the existing girls’ dormitory. So, to provide these young ladies with an environment that is more conducive to learning, AFSS hopes to build a new dormitory that can better accommodate them.
The Archdiocese of Gulu continues to see a growing vocation to the priesthood. Pew Research suggests that by 2050, Uganda will be home to one of the ten largest Christian populations globally. There are currently 6 transitional deacons in the Archdiocese of Gulu, who will soon need transportation to serve the faithful throughout Gulu. The purpose of this fund is to provide each new priest with a motorcycle, a chasuble, and a Mass Kit.
Much like at AFSS, we are looking forward to leveraging the updated Wi-Fi that is now in place at SHS, as we progress with the remaining phases of the seminary’s technology upgrade plan.
Sacred Heart Seminary lacks a reliable vehicle for use by the school’s administration and is making do with a 32-year-old pickup truck, which is in poor mechanical condition. As such, there is an urgent need for a new vehicle for use by the SHS administrators. The preference would be to replace the current truck with a newer Toyota Land Cruiser, given the availability and reliability of that model.
As an institution founded in 1937, Sacred Heart Seminary can take great pride in the generations of young men who have passed through its doors over the years. Unfortunately, the downside to that history is that many buildings on the SHS campus have deteriorated over time and require significant renovations. This includes two blocks of classrooms and dormitories, which are in urgent need of repairs.
Another critical infrastructure need at SHS is the repair of the school’s auditorium. As a key gathering place for this vibrant and active community, it is pivotal that these young men have an auditorium that is good condition. This investment in SHS will benefit these scholars, as well as many generations of SHS students to come.
The ongoing growth of the Farm has brought with it an accompanying need for increased storage, particularly for grain. To meet this need, the Farm is seeking to construct two new grain silos, along with the associated bucket elevators, aeration fans, and electrical work for both. By upgrading their onsite grain storage, both the Farm and AFSS will be able to achieve even greater sustainability and self-sufficiency.
To support the continued expansion of the Farm, we are raising funds for the construction of a warehouse, to be used for the storage of important farm equipment. Having this additional warehouse space will help ensure that the Farm is able to continue growing at a sustainable pace.
The Farm is currently working on a project to construct a facility to raise pigs, which will increase the diversity and quality of the food available at AFSS, while also advancing the larger goal of long-term sustainability for the school and the Farm. The first phase of construction will soon get under way, and we hope that you’ll consider supporting the second phase of this vital project.
Construction on the new infirmary at AFSS began in November 2024. This project was made possible through the generous donations of dedicated supporters of Hope For Uganda. The clinic will not only provide healthcare for AFSS students but will also serve the local Pader community. The nearest medical facilities, Kalongo Hospital and DFMC in Adilang, are located 28 and 32 miles away respectively, so this clinic will ensure that healthcare is much easier to access for the whole AFSS community.
Thanks to the generosity of three of HFU’s benefactors, the Farm will soon begin construction on the first phase of the hog barn project. This project will be a wonderful benefit to the Farm and the students at AFSS, and we are deeply grateful to the donors who helped provide the funding for this important work.
We are excited to soon launch an agriculture internship program with BASS Hybrids, which will involve sending the Farm Assistant Manager and an AFSS teacher for a 2-year training program in Puerto Rico.
The boys’ bathrooms and showers at AFSS previously suffered structural and plumbing failures, which necessitated the use of a makeshift bathing facilities by these young men. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have since been able fund the construction of new showers, thus ensuring a more comfortable and hygienic experience for the students.
Wi-Fi infrastructure has been deployed at both AFSS and SHS. This is the first phase of the larger laptop deployment project to provide students and staff with modern day technology to support their learning requirements.
The key focus of what we do at HFU is provide high-quality education for more than 1,000 students annually. Many students are unable to pay their full tuition fee. But from the generous donations of our benefactors, it allows students to continue in school without financial concern.
Archbishop Flynn Secondary School has both common and unique security risks. Common intruders include stray animals (mainly goats and cows) wandering onto the campuses and destroying plants and flowers. Less frequent, but far more frightening, are human intruders intending to do harm. Thankfully, HFU’s wonderful supporters came together to fund the construction of more than 4,000 ft. of fencing, built nine feet tall, and including a combination of both chain link fencing (1,600 ft.) and solid brick wall (2,400 ft.) This project has been a wonderful blessing and has greatly improved the security of the AFSS campus.
The recent construction of a new corn crib at the Farm increased their storage space at just the right time, as the first harvest of 2024 filled the new crib almost to capacity! We are all very thankful to the supporters who made this project into a reality.
As a place where over half of the priests ordained in the Archdiocese of Gulu begin their formation, Sacred Heart Seminary is a wonderful center of spiritual development. As such, HFU was very glad to assist with the renovation of the church on the campus of SHS, and we are most grateful to the donors who made that work possible.
Sacred Heart Seminary hosts many priests, as educators and ministers to the student body, and sometimes also as guests. Of course, it is imperative that these priests be provided with suitable accommodations, and so HFU helped fund the successful renovation of the priests’ residence on the SHS campus.
As a school that has been open since 1937, SHS has a great deal of history, but that also means that many of the seminary’s buildings require major renovations. One of the first major efforts at upgrading the quality of SHS’ facilities was the renovation of a classroom block in 2022.
The Farm, as both a rural education center and a pathway to sustainability, has shown great progress over the years. Using improved equipment provided by HFU has allowed the Farm to realize increased production and, in 2022, HFU also funded the construction of a new road on the property.